UCAC'S three-prong attack on employer U.C. costs maximizes reduction of potential liability, and finds and corrects errors in the assignment of charges to the employer's tax rating account.
- 1. TOTAL CONTROL OF CLAIMS from first response to the state agency through appeals is provided. Related questions on mergers, acquisitions, spin-offs, employer-employee relations, voluntary contributions, joint accounts, Title VII, and countless other pertinent topics affecting your U.C. costs receive prompt,courteous, enlightened, and realistic responses. At UCAC, INC. we share your concerns.
- 2. COMPLETE AUDITING OF ALL CLAIMS AND CHARGES is accomplished through the practical balance of select manual systems and unique UCAC, INC. computerized technology, blending years of experience with client needs, to maintain the critical accuracy required for a correct and minimized U.C. tax rate. With UCAC, INC. you neither lose track nor control.
- 3. EDUCATION FOR CLIENT PERSONNEL focuses on the U.C. cost control perspective of:
Seminars by UCAC, INC. expert seminar leaders take the “mystery” out of this complicated government administered, employer-financed, much-abused, and misunderstood, mandatory employee benefit program. With UCAC, INC. your supervisors will become cooperating partners in your cost-control efforts.
…Customized and meaningful management reports, in executive summary or minutely detailed formats, put the U.C. cost control results on your desk, so you stay in the driver's seat, know the score, and hold UCAC's feet to the fire. Unlike some providers offering U.C. cost control as an “also ran”, “postscript” or “thrown-in” adjunct to other services, UCAC's full-time, solitary, reason for existence is to give you the best and most effective outsourcing opportunity in employer U.C. cost reduction programs.
…UCAC’s written pledge of ethical conduct, given to all clients, is the hallmark of the industry, and commits our company to the highest standard of excellence in all of our professional relationships. At UCAC, INC. we understand you want the job done, but at the same time, you want good government, community and employee relations maintained.